Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Leadership Lessons Or, Everything I Learned in 42 Years in Student Affairs

by Art Sandeen

  1. The education of students should drive everything we do. That's why we're here.

  2. Presidents make our jobs possible. We have to support them, but we must also educate them. If we can't support them, we should leave.

  3. Always be honest, all of the time, with everyone. Period.

  4. Follow the money.

  5. Good ideas are great, but any idea only succeeds because of a good leader.

  6. Take your time in hiring staff. Trust your own judgment, not a committee's.

  7. Spend lots of time with students. You'll never regret it. Paper work can wait.

  8. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Practice, practice, practice. Sell, sell, sell.

  9. Acts of kindness are not only the right thing; they are always returned.

  10. Always give credit and praise to others. Thank them often. Encourage them.
    Don't ever say, "I did that." No one leads alone.

  11. Prepare yourself to leave your position and make sure you are marketable.

  12. Know your strengths. Contribute where you can. Otherwise, be quiet.

  13. Listen more than you talk.

  14. Fight hard and clean. But, no end runs, and above all, no pouting.

  15. Take some risks and be willing to accept the criticism and the consequences. Stand for something and show some courage.

  16. Don't fall for the latest fad or gimmick.

  17. Treat presidents and custodians in exactly the same manner.

  18. Work hard, but never, ever brag or complain about your long hours.

  19. Do not become your job. Forge a strong and healthy identity unrelated to any job.

1 comment:

  1. This is interesting food for thought. I am particularly intrigued by the comment of "follow the money". I think this conflicts with other advise I have heard that money isn't everything.

    What experiences or thoughts do others have on this topic?
